Surfing Victoria is proud to release its first Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan.
The Innovate RAP has been formally endorsed by Reconciliation Australia and aims to build on Surfing Victoria’s 27 year commitment to address racism and inequality across society and improve relationships and engagement with and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Victoria.
Surfing Victoria’s vision is that the Victorian surfing community will be a place where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are respected and celebrated with pathways to participate equitably at all levels of our sport and active recreation.
“Surfing Victoria is thrilled to launch our first Reconciliation Action Plan,” said Surfing Victoria Chair, Ashleigh Wall.
“The RAP is a milestone in our long-standing commitment to honour, celebrate and empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through meaningful opportunities and pathways as part of Surfing Victoria.”
Surfing Victoria will support reconciliation by
- Creating opportunities for participation in the sport and or active recreation of Surfing and Stand Up Paddleboarding.
- Providing leadership and guidance to the Victorian sport and recreation community on reconciliation and inclusion.
- Promoting cultural awareness, understanding and respect among our staff, Board, affiliates, and stakeholders by encouraging participation through Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community events, programs, cultural ceremonies, and opportunities to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
- Maintaining strong relationships and partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and community organisations and community leaders.
- Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in employment pathways within the sport and broader surfing industry.
- Foster future Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and role models to inspire participation and increase cultural safety within the programs.
- Acknowledging and understanding the barriers for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people participating in sport and recreation and committing to reduce these barriers.
“I’m incredibly proud of Surfing Victoria’s first Reconciliation Action Plan, said Surfing Victoria CEO Adam Robertson.
“We are in the Indigenous Surfing Programs 27th year, which is amazing. The commitment to the program as an entire organisation from all staff, to Board members is a testament to the organisations love of the program. Being able to utilise surfing as a tool for positive change shows surfing is something much more than just a “sport”. The RAP now provides the framework for moving forward to ensure we can have the best outcomes possible.”
Members of Surfing Victoria’s Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group:
Ashleigh Wall – Chair of Surfing Victoria & Partner At Mast Lawyers
Adam Robertson – CEO of Surfing Victoria
Elley Harrison – General Manager of Surfing Victoria
Jordie Campbell – Head of Programs Surfing Victoria & RAP Champion
Rhys Collins – Traditional Owner and Relationships Manager at Melbourne Water
Kate Sullivan – Surfing Victoria Board Member & Manager Integrated Planning at Surf Coast Shire Council
Cal Viney – Surfing Victoria Board Member & Barrister at the Victorian Bar
Read the full Surfing Victoria RAP here

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