Surfing Victoria is excited to deliver the highly successful #NoTXTnoWrecks campaign in Victoria thanks to our partnership with the VicRoads Community Road Safety grants program.
The campaign, initially created in 2015 by Surfing Western Australia, has been a strong catalyst for change in the surfing community in Western Australia and will now have the chance to do the same in Victoria.
Text messaging while driving leads to incorrect lane changes, wandering from your lane and missing road signs or hazards such as pedestrians, cyclists and other vehicles. Avoid distractions when driving to the surf and keep your phone out of reach.
Surfers spend hours travelling across the state searching for perfect waves along the coastline and unfortunately drivers can be tempted to send a text whilst driving. Using your phone whilst driving can lead to a serious crash and taking your eyes off the road for just 2 seconds or more doubles your crash risk.
We want to encourage behavioural change in drivers young and old across the state to stop the devastation of preventable road accidents caused by driver in attention.
Learn more about mobile phones, technology and driving here


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