Surfing Victoria and Quit join forces to highlight the environmental and health harms of vaping

Published on 01/03/2023

Surfing Victoria is proud to announce a new partnership with Quit Victoria to help reduce the usage of e-cigarettes on Victoria’s beaches.

The campaign shines a light on the negative impacts of e-cigarettes on our oceans and beaches along with their negative health impacts for users.

People are urged to get the facts on vaping and reconsider their usage and disposal of these harmful products. 

“This is an incredibly important message,” said Surfing Victoria CEO Adam Robertson.

“We have seen a massive rise in the use of e-cigarettes across Australia, especially by young people,  and to see the effect that they have on the environment is really concerning.”

“We want our young surfers to breathe in clean fresh air, not toxic chemicals that can harm them and the beach!”

The campaign will be rolled out across Surfing Victoria social media channels and select events across the state, featuring prominent Victorian surfers India Robinson, Bohdie Williams and Ben Considine.

“Community partnerships like this one with Surfing Victoria are vital to help Quit spread the word about the significant health and environmental harms of vaping. 

“We know that 77,200 Victorian adults who’d previously never smoked took up vaping in the past three years, effectively tripling their rate of smoking. And we know that almost a third of teenagers have tried e-cigarettes. 

“Young people may have no idea that there are 200 toxic chemicals in vaping devices, many of the same as those in bug spray, weed killer and paint thinner. And when you think of the impact of lithium batteries on the environment, there are no winners. 

“We urge all people to consider their smoking and vaping habits and to contact Quitline (13 7848 or online) for support to quit,” Matthew Scanlon, Director of Quit concluded. 
The campaign can be viewed via Surfing Victoria’s InstagramFacebook and TikTok pages.

For further information on the harmful impacts of e-cigarettes, head to

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