On behalf of Surfing Victoria’s Board, we would like to extend an invitation to Members to attend the 2020 Surfing Victoria Annual General Meeting.
Location: Surfing Victoria Office, Shop 10 Surf City Plaza, Geelong Road, Torquay
Date: Thursday 4th March 2021
Time: 4:00pm
Chairperson’s Welcome
Approval of Previous Minutes
CEO Report
Financial Reports
Election of Board Members
Amendment to the Surfing Victoria Incorporated Constitution as outlined below.
The Constitution of Surfing Victoria does not allow for meetings of Members to be held using audio visual technology such as Zoom. Surfing Victoria was therefore required to apply to Consumer Affairs Victoria to hold the 2020 Annual General Meeting out of time due to the restrictions imposed the Victorian Government in response to COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the AGM which is ordinarily held by December each year is being held in March.
To ensure that Surfing Victoria can hold meetings of Members using technology in the future, it is proposed that the Members approve that the Constitution be amended to allow meetings of Members to be held using technology as follows:
“The Members of Surfing Victoria Incorporated approve the following amendment to the Constitution by way of a Special Resolution.
Clause 9.6 be deleted and replaced with the following clause:
9.6. Use of Technology
9.6.1 A Member not physically present at a General Meeting may be permitted to participate in the General Meeting by the use of technology that allows that Member, and the Members present at the General Meeting to clearly and simultaneously communicate with each other.
9.6.2 For the purposes of this clause, a Member participating in a General Meeting as permitted under clause 9.6.1 is taken to be present at the General Meeting and, if the Member votes at the General Meeting, is taken to have voted in person.”
A Member may appoint another Member as his or her Proxy to vote and speak on his or her behalf at the Annual General Meeting.
No Member may exercise more than one proxy on behalf of another Member at a General Meeting.
The appointment of a Proxy must be in the form attached and lodged with Surfing Victoria at least 48 hours before the commencement of the Annual General Meeting.
Nominations for Board Members must be made in writing in the form attached and signed by two Members and accompanied by the written consent of the nominee. The Nomination must be received by Surfing Victoria at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting.
If you wish to put forward a Motion for the AGM, please fill out the attached form and submit a notice of motion.
For further information please contact the Surfing Victoria Head Office:
(03) 5261 2907

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