Welcome to our Surf Her Way photographer for February – Romy Becker-Roache. This month we are really excited to begin highlighting some of the great women photographing in and around the surf. Romy’s photos have been a staple on our Instagram and Facebook, featuring amazing lighting and line up shots from various breaks in Victoria. We caught up with Romy for a snapshot into the mind of a surf photographer, join us below.

Hey Romy can you give us a little description of yourself and how surfing is a part of your life?
Having come from Dutton Way, just on the outskirts of Portland. I am very familiar with Blacknose. My Dad often rode that wave back in his day. Having now lived in Torquay for some 20 plus years, the Ocean and I have always been connected. Loving the outdoors and wild beaches, stepping back into Photography was inevitable.
Opening my Studio in Torquay 4 years ago, I’ve had great pleasure producing beautiful wave photography for clients to purchase. Such an incredible backyard I live in.
Where do you surf/photograph the most?
My favourite place to take photo’s is definitely Bells Beach and Winkipop. When the surf is pumping, its a magic place to be, watching the power of some of these waves come roaring in, just spectacular.
What does surf photography mean to you?
Surf Photography is such an exciting field of work. Its so unpredictable, changing moment to moment.
Chasing the light is a magical element as for the rider and their dancing upon the waves, put the two together and bingo the shot is there…
What was the best surf photography session you had?
A couple of months back we had some big swells that came our way, I swear some of those waves were 8 – 10 foot.
I was terrified for some of the crew out there that day. Coming to the rise as you hit Bones Road, The lines stacked as far as I could see. That’s where I landed the image that ended up in SurfingWorld mag. I had never seen it so big before.

What makes you feel most confident/comfortable when out surfing?
Because Mother Nature is in charge at the end of the day, it’s pretty amazing to have lots of fabulous Surf sites and apps that prepare you for the day with some confidence knowing its looking good out there.
Sometimes I like to make a game of it and hear the waves from my bedroom in the still of the night, hear my chimes ringing tells me its North Westerly, I call this my intuitive app.
What inspires you to surf/photograph? What is something that you are striving for in your surf journey?
The sense of calm that comes with being out shooting on your own is quite medative , It’s like your part of the day for connection to something greater. Perhaps its gratitude.
Having opened my Studio in such difficult times 4 years ago, I was very committed to make it work and have the opportunity to be working my passion. Along with opportunities to be featured in some wonderful Surfing Magazines and online sites is very rewarding.

What excites you most about elevating the representation of women and girls in and out of the water?
I think its fantastic to see women so involved with this sport. It brings a new eye to the table. Its enjoyable watching women ride these waves with their own style and grace. As for female photographers, I think its pretty amazing when you see your name alongside various well known male photographers of the industry.
I enjoy some mornings when the surf is pumping, walking around and having chats about the waves with these guys. Its just a love for the ocean, whether male or female.

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